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This too is a first for me, With the steel floor pans that drop below the frame I moved all the lines to the bottom of the frame rail right next to the floor pans, thus before they can be damaged "something is going to have to tear up the floor pans first! Still nice and neat. My,my. Where does ones gray cell go at times? Normally I suggest running the cable and lines down the outside of the frame rails but with the dropped floor pans I think this will work out well.
"Wetdog", Thank you for being insistant! Forgive a dilapadated old man with stroke damage? I can always fall back on that, but it sure didn't have a thing to do with this blunder!
Like I have always said, if you don't like it, it appears to be wrong, if you have questions-suggestions-darn it don't be shy-just ask or suggest, you can only make us all better!!
Last edited by Double Venom; 08-20-2008 at 09:30 AM..