Originally Posted by lineslinger
Maybe you should have checked it out before offering up your vague and speculative hearsay
If you are going to volunteer an implication with unsubstantiated sources, its just another ride on the rip em' up bandwagon, regardless of the volume of posts participated in.
Factual information lends to honesty, "I heard" is for junior high kids.
I have never done biz with SA nor have any association with them but I have listened to the varied opinions like many here
A quality preference might be to hear both sides before dropping such a vague hammer as the one you are tossing around.
Maybe you're right, but I love to stir up the pot.
I heard this from several people who were there, but their cars were not the ones. Although I know more details, I was hoping that someone with better knowledge would say something, but alot of times, people want to keep things hush hush. Everytime I have a problem with somebody, I dont post it, at least at this time.
I have had "expert" engine builders/assemblers assemble my engine(s) with the rockers not spaced correctly on the shaft, pushrods rubbing the intake, etc. When a novice engine assembler like myself can spot significant deviations from what I consider proper engine assembly, it makes me wonder about the general quality of work being done out there by people who I think really shouldn't be doing it. Even with any big name builder, sometimes the people really doing the work may not be doing it correctly. Roll the dice.