I had quite a long chat with Bill this afternoon and he was able to give me his side of the story and from what I hear, it is nowhere near as clear-cut as has been suggested.
Bill has said that he will respond on the forum, so I don't want to steal his thunder, but it would seem the original poster may have been selective with some facts, exagerated others and simply fabricated others.
As a business owner myself, it always makes me very uncomfortable when I see someone bad-mouthing someone elses business without getting the other side of the story. There is very little, if any comeback on anyone who simply has an axe to grind and vents their angst on a public forum, but it can cause untold damage to someone's hard earned repuation and livelihood.
For the record, my experience of Bill (and Susan) and that of others I have spoken to here in the UK, has always been very positive and they have always been thoroughly honourable and honest in all dealings I have had with them.
Nuff said.