Well, the weather is good, and here is the final plan.
Those of us south of Bellevue will meet at Denney's just off of Exit 7 of 405 about 8 am. Breakfast and on the road by 9. Up 405 to I-5 to Hwy 9 and hopefully reach Demming by 11am. Break, gas and pick up some snacks and off to Artist's Point. It will probably be at least 4 hours round trip for the mountian run. Then on to Ferndale and Motel check in. We do not have a dinner place yet, that is open to suggestions.
Sunday: It will actually be a short milage day. Maybe Dale and Gloria can meet us at the Motel around 8, and we can figure out breakfast. We will drive south on Chuckanut and wind our way down to Conway. Probably just a couple of hours. Lunch at Conway and then home. There are a couple of ways down to Marysville but after that it is freeway.
I hope that some more of you can make it, even if it is just for lunch at Conway.
Hope to see you.