Originally Posted by Buzz
Re #4: Yessir!!
Er...A few suggestions if I may...
11. We all chip in and send Ernie & CDC to dinner at Taco Bell and a night in one of those nice motels you guys got over there with the vibrating bed. Bomelia can go along too as an observer so he can start a blog about how they resolved their differences.
12. No mention of frogs and turtles and pink thongs outside the chat thread or else the perps get to join Ernie and CDC.
13. What about McCains color (red, when he gaffes)? Is that fair game?
Bugger off, you bloody wanker!
Does this protester belong to you, Excaliber or VRM - I'm thinking VRM with VRM very possibly a member of Code Pink!
Also, VRM - you funny - Your logic - don't vote for McCain-Palin until the Republicans get their act together (a major goal of McCain-Palin) - therefore - vote for Obama-Biden who are out to eat your lunch or don't vote at all - the same as a vote for Obama-Biden. Don't be a snollygoster - voting for 90% (McCain-Palin) is way more logical than voting for less than 0.
Also, are you somehow involved in the making of cuckoo clocks, possible VRM clocks where you live? My man, you need to come out of the closet - admit that you are a white, liberal, angry (perhaps dirty) hippy and member of the 'Rat party. Although, if there is any gay stuff to confess, please keep it to yourself.