Here's one idea. Indoor go-karting at Sykart Indoor Racing Center, 17450 W. Valley Hwy., Tukwila. With ten or more people we could have our own 10 minutes of track time for $15.00. They have a large meeting room for $40/hr., so with those ten people it would be $19 for the first race and then $15 after that. If we thought we were going to race more that four time ($60 for 40 min.) we could rent the track by the hour at $600.00 / hr. Obviously if we had more than ten people the cost per person would go down.
Thursday thru Sunday is there busiest time but right now they are mostly open the last of Nov. - first of Dec. The WASAAC held a similar outing in Bellevue and it seemed to go well.
Is this to ambitious? Do you think we should meet for an afternoon lunch at a restaurant?