Originally Posted by Buzz
Lol! Mikey, it's not a conscious decision to be a centrist buddy! It just came out that way based on the questions. It's not all bad either. It means that we are not blind sheep led by the nose following a party line. Decisions are made based on logical deduction and a balanced concept of right and wrong.
I notice not many people are posting their results. I bet more than a few got the crap scared out of themselves when they found out to their horror that they are really closet liberals!
I took it a day or two ago and was a Libertarian (no surprise there, right?). I was right in the middle of the upper right box.
I doubt people on this forum are finding out that they are Libs so much as they are finding out that they are Fascists. CdC had an 18% social permissive - thats only a goosestep away from Taliban, right? Wheres the freedom in that?