Originally Posted by Rick Parker
They allow us to register these cars through SB100 as a "Courtesy". In no way will they allow or do they want any increase in the yearly "pool" that has a "Bye" on the emissions.
It is currently under control and is at a manageable level, if it were increased 10 fold it would become unmanageable quite quickly, reminicent of some of the title generating companies.
Totally agree Rick. The only way they could handle a higher number of registrations would be to integrate the SPCN process into their standard registration system, charge a high "pay to play" fee, and open up the flood gates.
In the end, the State would see an increase in revenue (Fee for registering an SPCN, sales tax, annual registration fees, etc.) with little if any measurable impact to air quality.
Unfortunately, they don't get it and they probably never will.