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09-16-2008, 08:36 PM
Beam Me Up Scottie
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Squantum (part of Quincy), MA
Cobra Make, Engine: SPF1049 Titanium w/black stripes, 351W with Trick Flow Heads, Tremec 3550
Posts: 7,592
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Summer is over. I had to wear a jacket during my ride today. In fact, at about 6 PM I put on my wool stocking hat and gloves. It was only 63°F. Invigorating ride to nowhere.
Driving along slowly in first gear on a narrow side street and a 30 something guy walking on the sidewalk stops in his tracks and stares at me and says "Now that's the way to live." First time I've heard that comment.
'Liberals are maggots upon the life of this planet and need to get off at the next rotation.' (Jamo 2008)
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