At slow speeds, I am hearing a slight squealing noise when I make a sharp left hand turn. The squeal maybe happening at higher speeds but I just can’t hear it. Sometimes at higher speeds I feel a slight vibration from the rear when turning. I have a Jag IRS with a power lock. What gear
oil weight do you recommend? I noticed that Bob P. had suggested to someone with similar symptoms to “replace the dif fluid with two tubes of GM additive 1052358 and GL80-90.”
I am not sure what this means. Does it mean to add one tube of GM additive 1052358 and one tube of GM additive GL80-90 to new Gear
Oil? What weight of Geal
Oil do you recommend?
Also, With the car up on jack stands, when rotating one rear wheel by hand, should the other rear wheel turn in the same or opposite direction?
I assumed it should rotate the opposite direction providing a “slip” differential and at Full Power the Power lock would kick in and lock in power to both wheels.
When I turn one of my rear wheels by hand, the opposite wheel turns in the same direction.