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Old 09-18-2008, 01:54 PM
Tom Kirkham Tom Kirkham is offline
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Default Kirkham at Bonneville Salt Flats

I have always wanted to race out at Bonneville on the Salt Flats. Dr. DeHart has always had the same desire... The Utah Salt Flats Racing Association is running this week so we loaded up KMP 530 went out to the Bonneville Salt Flats. One of the problems we had is that the rules state that the car must have a four point roll bar. With a little persuading with the officials (it helps that they are big fans of ours) they allowed us to run in the 130 mph club. Here are the rules for the 130 club. This BTW is an excellent place to get your feet wet...

The car going through tech.

Checking the throttle linkage

Checking to make sure that the battery is secure

Checking the steering for free play

Making sure that the car registration and my Utah state drivers license are valid

Signing off that we (car and me) pass tech, and that we can now go register. This is the only race I have been to where if you don't pass tech, you don't get to register, and thus don't get to pay.

Driving over to get in line to go down the track...

Waiting in line... Notice the deep concentration (really apprehension). Also note the the GPS unit tapped to the rear view mirror. Note: that for the 130 class if you excede 140 mph you do not pass go and go directly to jail. Actually you are disqualified, do not get a time slip, and you don't get to run again.

Coming back from the orientation run. All systems go!

Waiting in line for my first real run. An umbrella girl would sure be nice...

Next up in line. Note the real Shelby behind me. He was trying real hard to get in. Just before his last run the track officials, due to time, closed the line. That run he hit 131. Because you have to have two runs at above 130 in the same day the officials reopened the line up for him so he could get his run in. The officials and the organization here are top notch.

Rick Lee giving me the final instructions. "Tom this is your last run of the day you had better not screw up..."

checking in with the starter.

Starter waiting for the all clear

Starter getting all clear. The track is mine

I'm off!

Going down the run. The .2 signifies 2/10 of a mile

Picking up the time slip

I'm in!
Cubic Performance
HiTech Legends
Evolve Lubricants

Last edited by Tom Kirkham; 09-18-2008 at 08:24 PM.. Reason: grammer, spelling
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