Dwight If you have the money, and can live with a short "TERM" motor, they are in the 930+ of HP. RPM limit also in the 9,000 rpms. Cam huge, Ports for heads the size of soup cans, cfm in the 420's if not more. Aluminium rods, biggest bore they can do, about 16-1 compression. maybe a little nitro in the gas tank( only kidding but some REAL high octane fuel ) If you want the 1,000 HP add a small shot on NOS. I would go the FI route for drivibilities and high RPM's over a carb. A/F meter next to the tach and EGT's on the other side. IMO the 3 most important gauges for a high rpm run. I have a big redlight for
oil pressure and a 40 psi switch if it drops during a run. Mike Lefevers is the one to ask about assaulting high speed records. His car is in the 300 mph club and he has the 200 mph award. Rick L.