Originally Posted by ratsnst1
The pliers I have only turn one way when you pull them, which is what jamo said, but are you supposed to use lead shot mallet, or a lead malet with no rubber protector on it.I use a lead shot, with a hard rubber insulator, protector, it seems that the lead hammer would tighten it better, but then would damage the spinner. Robert
You need to use a solid lead hammer, not a dead blow or lead filled. You need the solid shot to properly tighten them as they should be. It is not advised to use a lead filled hammer or any kind of protector!
The point of the lead hammer, is the lead deforms, not the spinner.
Sal Mennella
CSX 4241, KMP 357 - sold and missed, CSX 4819 - cancelled, FFR 5132 - sold
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