Originally Posted by Jimbocobra
I have been reading these forums and this sounds like some people have the same issue as I do. Basically, when the car gets hot I have to wrestle with the gearshift to get it in gear, it grinds when I put it in reverse. It is getting to the point where there were several times I literally could not get the gear shift into any gear. I don't beat on the car; it is a Backdraft and has less than 3000 miles. To all of you who know about this stuff, do you think it is the slave cylinder overheating? If so, is there a consensus on how to fix it. I have heard to replace it with a hydraulic set up, use a heat shield, change the fluids and use heat resistant tape? I am sure I can't fix something like this. #1 What do you all think is the issue? and #2 any know a good speed shop around St. Charles, IL who knows how to fix this?
I'm just south of you in Hebron Ky. I can fix your problem. Give me a call and I can help you with the setups I use. I use either a hyd throwout bearing or a slave cylinder depending on your needs. Other dealers seem to use the same ol design or inferior slave design.