Originally Posted by mikiec
It is my impression that the Roush system is propriety and will not allow non Roush techs to connect. Bob Potter had that issue when he got the first 427W stack system. They, Roush, told him he needed to take it to a Roush shop for tweaks etc....
Hello Mike,
I am working from memory and that always gets me in trouble but I think
CSX4910 stated Anthem Motors sold and did the install and tuning. Is Anthem a Roush Dealer/shop ? I am not surprised only Roush can modify or see programing issues but I would be very surprised if the system would not record some period of run time.
It has been a while since we heard from you and where having issues then. Bob B gave you the name and # of the Roush Mgr. and you were happy he ("got more done in 20 min.. ") than all other actions. If it not right has Roush had a chance to look at it and what have they said needs to happen next?