Originally Posted by OZCOBRA
Very RESPECTABLE numbers Boxhead....Look forward to seeing the future developement!!!
Now I've just noticed your account has been Suspended ,after the little spat on LS1 with Chipmaster .....A bit week when you can't call into question suppliers of performance gear...and you were as it was only quoting your experience....gota say i'm on your side with this one!!!
Old Yesterday, 05:16 PM
boxhead boxhead is offline
Account Suspended
Yes I have emailed the forum moderators and asked why my account was suspended.
When first suspended the note said breach of T&C (terms and conditions), I have a copy of there terms and conditions and can not see where I have breached them (I would obviously be lookeing with foggy glasses on) so if anyone who has read the thread has the time to check the T&C please let me know if I overstepped any boundarys (so I dont do it again)
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.