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All this talk about tax cuts is malarchy. It takes Congress and the President to cut taxes, and I have a feeling that no matter who is elected, that isn't going to happen soon.
Also, cutting taxes to the upper echelon (and the poor) is a waste of time. Same for cutting taxes to businesses. There s absolutely no guarantee this will trickle down to more hiring or business growth. Heck, in the last "X" amount of years, we have probably seen the opposite. Greed is the problem here.
What we need to do is cut taxes to businesses that makes it profitable for them to grow. When a business grows, they have a tendency to hire more people, make more money, and generate more tax money. For example: For the past few years, there has been a huge tax deduction to machine shops that purchased new equipment. I visit a LOT of manufacturing facilities, and probably 60% has taken advantage of this tax break. New machine sales are/were skyrocketing. New machines means new work means hiring more people. This works for capital equipment types of businesses, but the problem arises on paper shuffling businesses. We need tax cuts that generate work, not line pockets. In some cases this is synonymous, many many times it is not.