Originally Posted by VRM
BTW, I'm voting for Ron Paul - he would do a much better job than either Obama or McCain. Yeah, he is a little shrill, and does not always present well, but so far he is the only guy I have even a shred of respect for. And his record bears out his desire for small government and small taxes.
As conservative as I am, you might be surprised to know that I've voted for 3rd party candidates (usually libertarian*) for 3 of the last 4 elections. The reason, for me, is simple. The Republican party no longer seems to want to represent conservatives. The Rep party is catering to the centrists while the Dems go after the far left. Give me a strong conservative party that'll fight to put this country back on the right track.
It has been my luxury to vote 3rd party in the past as I live in a primarily Republican state (AZ); I'm not so sure that's the case anymore. If everyone who didn't like either of the 2 major candiates actually voted 3rd party, then we'd have an honest chance. But thanks to our "don't throw your vote away" media that's not going to happen; the media knows how to manipulate the sheeple.
*Although the libertarian platform has some planks I don't agree with, they're the biggest party that is for Individual Responsibility and Smaller Government. Two things we desperately need in this country.
My position is that the GOVERNment's job is to GOVERN (hence the name). If it were meant to PROVIDE (as the left wants) it would have been called a PROVIDERment. The Government's job is defense and justice. That is to defend against foreign attack (this also includes foreign relations/policy) and to judge & punish wrong-doers (and in the case of our Federal Gov't to settle disputes between states). It is the Church's responsibility to provide charity, not the governments. It's the individual's job to provide for his family and his future (retirement).