Originally Posted by NASSTY
I've had one component fail to date after having the car registered for 10 months and the supplier at first gave the the line, "I sold you that 2 yrs ago" to which I said, "It's been registered for only 6 months". He understood and fixed the problem.
yes and i know that we have had that in the past and warranted it as well.. it all comes down to the attitude of one person to the other as to what will come out of it... now i am sure you approached the supplier and told him it was faulty and when he said it was sold over 2 years ago i bet you didnt call him every name under the sun.. you in a professional and courteous manner told him the situation and it was resolved... but you cant expect a supplier to come to the party after having their business drapped across 2 forums and 4 threads basically saying i didnt get what i want when i asked for it 3.5 years ago with all the carry on this has had.
I am glad yours was sorted and if people (both client and supplier) can think rationally and put themselves in the other persons shoes (like you obviously did) before they shoot their thoughts off then there would be alot more happy customers and suppliers than there are, with the same happy outcome you got to.