Thread: The POOL ROOM
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Old 10-19-2008, 07:29 AM
Rebel1 Rebel1 is offline
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Mr LoBelly esquire Sir,

As you imply I have not studied the history of Victoria. I have no excuse than to advise I am the progeny of some poor soul who came across in the first fleet.

So it is that my great great great great past criminal relative upon release from detention ventured North seeking land of fortune. As a youngster I often wondered why he choose to come north rather than south. It was not until I researched my family tree that I found the criminal who founded our family name had been jailed for larceny in the mother country.

Now, you have to admit, that the crime of larceny is a crime of intelligence. He was not just some petty thief who stole loafs of bread, he was a smart thief. A man of intelligence. So it was natural for him to come north.

So it is that he found his way to Queensland and lived to a ripe old age and never again did any wrongs against society. Queensland to this day remains a prosperous state, The state still owns some utilities, a transport system, has $hitloads of black gold still in the ground, and enjoys an excellent standard of living and sees it's fair share of sunshine. XXXX beer is brewed here and worshiped as the nectar of the gods. In fact I'm told by some who practice religion more actively than I that many churches would prefer to provide XXXX for communal that the watery wine they are currently forced to sip and which is sourced from parts south. first wife's criminal relative didn't come north. He went south. He was just a common thief of unknown crime but we are sure it was something as simple as raping and pillaging. We believe he eventually lifted his stature in life and became a politician.

Anyways, the purpose of this brief history lesson is to acknowledge that not much has changed in Victoria since then. I suppose my wife's past criminal relative was quite active in propagating the population of Victoria as the politicians still rape and pillage the public purse, the state owns nothing of any value, they're running out of water, and the local breweries still produce a product closely resembling cats pi$$..

I'm sure if Mr Trularin would care to google victoria he will find what I say is indeed the truth.
It's impossible to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys.

Last edited by Rebel1; 10-19-2008 at 08:11 AM..
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