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engine does not look center
hi all got a bit of a problem, picked up my car today and all was going great .
got home and started looking over the whole car and noticed my side pipes on the pass side are closer to the body then the drivers side , looking closer i noticed that the spf motor mounts that bolt on the car frame are about quarter inch off, meaning that the motor is quarter inch pushed over to the drivers side more the the pass side, i know the mounts are slotted to move side to side but is this normal? also the gaps from the side pipe that come through the body are not even also. i will try to post pics of it shortly.
another thing is my pass side motor mounts have 2 shims under it to raise it up, is this also a comon thing when installing the engine.
now im thinking of loosing off the rear side pipe mounts on both sides and the tranny mount, loosing off the engine mounts to the fram and prying the motor over the quarter inch, i know it does not seem like much but it will resolve the side pipes not look staight on the body and im hoping it will correct the side pipe through the body opening space,
anothe issue if it is one is the gas pedal has to travel down about an inch and a half before it actually make the carb open up is this the norm for an spf?
and also the clutch pedal works good disengaging the trany but seems slow to come back up i have never had a hyd clutch before so not sure if that is the way it is, should there be a spring on the clutch fork to pull back the fork once you release the clutch pedal?
any insight on this would be great,
pics to follow soon