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Old 10-24-2008, 09:30 PM
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Take a Chance on Me -- Abba

You have a packed weekend...not to mention all of those acres you have to keep track of..

My car.. no I haven't taken it in. The suggestion for the gas tank cap was a no-go... but.. I am thinking not really knowing how the volvo was driven previously..(given that there was so much dust/dirt around the filter).. I'll have the plugs replaced..and will have the transmission fluids replaced too.. I have been using premium gasoline -- and am sort of wondering if I should use a can of fuel injector cleaner.... I know the light will still go on until I have it reset.. but I am so very much the optimist that if I do all of these little things first.. well..I won't have to take it in.. Aside from that... it's a funny car... it has the gull to illuminate a "snowflake" when the temperature is cold... ummm... I'm guessing that is in case I couldn't determine that on my own.??

But this weekend is packed with hockey ...
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