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Old 10-25-2008, 10:02 AM
cobra de capell cobra de capell is offline
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The one undeniable fact in this case is that BHO refuses to produce his birth certificate and is going to incredible lengths to make this issue go away. In any other election with any other candidate, the press would be screaming from the rooftops about this on a daily basis. But they won't go near this because they know it can only lead to something incriminating for BHO. At the very least this should taint his presidency forever with lingering questions about his legitimacy, just as GWB was unjustly tainted with the Florida fiasco, the difference of course being that suspicions of BHO are wholly justified, given the overall murkiness of his entire self-constructed legend.

So then tell me, how does a little ole’ nobody of a citizen - like me - compel someone like Obama to verify his constitutional eligibility to run and/or serve as POTUS if not through the courts???

Voters have “no standing” in making sure candidates are constitutionally eligible to run for office???

When you have a clear case of a man (Obama) who has made a point of keeping virtually EVERYTHING about his background a secret - from medical records and college transcripts - to a valid birth certificate, how do you allow him to continue to stonewall the American people with his lies and secrecy? I thought the courts existed to allow for redress of grievances, and THIS is a pretty big one!

Were any of us seeking employment, we may have to do everything from provide official documentation of our eligibility to work in this country, to provide medical records suggesting we are of sound mind and body for the job, and even pee in a bottle, if needed!

Unfortunately, the same standard for employment in the private sector doesn’t seem to apply to public servants (if it did, Barney Frank and company NEVER could have gotten elected!)

The system is therefore rigged not to protect “we the people” but “they the politicians.” Personally, I find it sickening.

OK, so we get out and vote, and send this a**hole back to Kenya or wherever the hell else he might have come from. Fine with me. But don’t tell me we shouldn’t be outraged by this judge’s all too transparently political decision.

This judge is an embarassment.