The Mt. Shasta Goddess is importing snow from Alaska to send to you and Tru.
I have wondered if the Yosemite Falls was anything more than a trickle now. Thanks for the report Jamo. I remember working up there and it was really nice and the falls were just roaring. I also remember hiking around Truckee and driving across the pass when the snow was so high on each side of the highway that it seemed as if you were in a tunnel. I also liked hiking off down the canyons around Placerville and visiting the site of Marshall's sawmill where they discovered gold. They used to have a nice small museum there, but I don't know if it is still open. Also walking around the site of the Donner Party camping area and following what is left of the original road where they chopped the trees to get the wagons up the mountain.
No Shasta isn't the largest reservoir, but when it gets low it affects a lot of things far downstream from it including electric power. Also no amount of more inane legislation is going to put more water in any of the reservoirs. Several towns around this are have been out of water for a long time and the wells aren't furnishing much as they have pumped the ground water out.