I know Jamo. Normally Lassen and Shasta would have snow and glaciers on them all year. The last two years they have been bare very early and with no snow pack to speak of, there just isn't any water. Where the normal snow in Lassen should have been from 8 to 15' deep along the highway, last year it barely topped 2'. That was why they got the highway cleared in just a week or so. Normally takes them a month or more. I miss Yosemite and the Kings Canyon Park and just being out among the trees and stuff. Lassen is nice but it is closed now as they are doing controlled burns to get rid of what the big fired didn't.
Is the old statue of Marshall up on the hill pointing down toward the sawmill still there? We have some nice places up here to drive to, but I believe that when I lived down there I enjoyed the closeness of more places that were great to spend a weekend in than around here.