Originally Posted by cobras
so ur saying i just have to remove the tach and i will be able to undo the bracket on the back of the temp guage? no need to remove the wheel to slide the guage out?
If you decide to forego the speedo/tach trick and, instead, move the dash back you do not have to remove the steering wheel. Just loosen the dash screws and that will give you a couple of inches (on an ERA, that is; someone correct me if I am completely wrong on an SPF).
Originally Posted by cobras
... that turn siginal on the right side is a bit of a pain, will it fit on the left side and still work properly an have clearance to not hit the dash?
I have mine on the left side (a lot of us do). Again, you should be able to loosen the bracket that holds the signal and rotate it around the steering shaft without having to remove the steering wheel or bracket itself (you "click" the turn signal in the same direction regardless of whether the signal is on the left or right side of the steering column).