HSSS427 Scott I was out of work for a year. The last thing to go is my toys and I know I have way too many of them. That car sitting in the garage costs nothing to sit there if all the bills are paided. I started when the problem happened to look at the extras that we don't need. Go to the cheaper of the 2 between Cable and Disc for TV. Say bye-bye to cell phone. Bringing lunch to work. Stop getting takeout. Cutting back on the extras. A $40.00 pair of shoes will do the same job as $100.00 if they are not safety. I run the house at 62 degrees, cool yes but livable. Lights being left on in the house???? Correct air in all the cars for driving?? Sometimes you have to tell the kids NO, or do with less. You still wear pants, sit down and budget everything per month. Buy Food in bulk and store. We saving over $300.00 per month without doing much. I heard the same thing about selling my toys. Shop hard, Think smarter, even look for a part time job off the books. Mow grass, snow plow, do minor repairs on friends cars. Live a little simpler. I didn't not mean to get in your bussiness but there are OTHER ANSWERS.
Rick L. Ps we will all be either broke or on the rebound in about 9 months to a year. You can hold on that long. At this time it's a buyers market for cars, even cobras. 50-60K cars can be gotten for low 40's at this time. Hold ON.