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Old 11-01-2008, 07:58 AM
Rebel1 Rebel1 is offline
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Originally Posted by trularin View Post
Okay, I went to a convention down town and met a couple of Aussies who told me that XXXX beer I had asked about was Dingo Pi$$.

It seems that beer has a bad rep.

trularin, some-one is having a lend of you. You've been got at by a couple of Aussies having some fun at your expense.

In Aussieland dingo pi$$ is a highly valued commodity ..... It all came about way back in the dreamtime.

Indigenous Australians (Aboriginals) used to wander around the dry arid interior of Australia in tribes. They would essentially travel from water hole to water hole .... stay a while .... live off the land ... then move on.

They also had a want to pass their experiences and history from generation to generation and the way they did this was by painting on cliff and cave walls in the hills and rocky outcrops.

Some of these paintings are hundreds of years old and are clearly legible today. But consider this ... all this painting was going on way before the invention of paint.

So like the American indian these Aboriginals would mix their paints from clay, ochre, and different colored minerals they dug from the ground and mixed with water. However, there was always a question that baffled scientific study.

That question was what caused these simple paints to last hundreds of years. Modern paints don't last this long without major fade and weathering. Furthermore, these paintings were mostly found miles from any water holes and in locations where it would have been very difficult to carry water.

Now I'm gonna let you into the secret .... dingo pi$$.

Seems every tribe had made pets of a couple of dingos and these wild dogs would accompany the tribe on it's wanderings around Australia and these same dogs would follow the tribe elders on their painting expeditions into the hills.

So the tribe elder would just wait till his dingos did a wee and used that to mix his paints. Simple really and like much of aussie indigenous people, quite ingenious.

Science has since found that Dingo Pi$$ contains some very rare compounds. There are reasons for this but explanation would make this post a little long so we'll leave that till some other time.

So it is that dingo pi$$ is highly sought and valued and there's nowhere near as many dingos around these days so it just gets more difficult to find.

Hense, these Aussies you met in a bar were telling you the truth it was just your lack of aussie culture which led you to mis-understand their explanation.

Therefore saying a top class ale like XXXX is like dingo Pi$$ is like saying it is liquid gold ....a good drop.
It's impossible to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys.

Last edited by Rebel1; 11-01-2008 at 07:11 PM..
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