Originally Posted by Excaliber
Of course it won't happen for some time, but he's on the right track. Coal has to go, we've got to find alternatives.
And racism. And traffic jams. And global warming. And medicare fraud. And greed. And poverty. And AIDS. And corruption. And incompetence. And...........................shall I go on?
Be serious, please. Espousing the elimination of a principle energy source - without offering up a
viable, pragmatic alternative - is just plain chickensh*t. Might as well tell us we can all flap our arms and fly - carries the same message.
And talking about it is equally chickensh*t - remember the gas lines of the 70's? All the talking heads were foaming at the mouth about equally-vapid alternatives; all talk and utterly no substance. How heart-warming to see that Obama is cut of precisely the same cloth as those morons - indeed, how
Ah, what the hell. He's gonna make everything else right, how could I have doubts about him on such a simple subject as this?