Steve - Obama and Patrick .. what a pair. Obama just took (stole) all of the empty rhetoric that Patrick barfed up to get elected. Patrick promised the world he would ....
"Change things for the better"
The only thing that has changed is that the crooked legislators are being "outed". There is more of them now than there ever has been.
No more work for me. I'm putting in for all the entitlements. I am going to turn in my citizenship and become and illegal immigrant like Obama's aunt living in subsidized housing. She was supposed to be deported a decade ago. Another great acquaintance of Barry. Radicals, arsonists, terrorists, racists, felons .... and the list goes on.
I hate to say this, but if Barack was white (100%, not the 50% he is now) he would never had been heard from at all. He would have had trouble even getting elected to the Illinois legislature if he was white and had all of the slimy people as mentors and friends that he does now.