I'm glad the election is finally over - hopefully we can stay propaganda free for a day or two. One guy won, a few other guys lost. I will support the new guy, like I did with Bush, until he does something I think is stupid.
Anyway - Jamo and CW have mentioned that moderation is going to be stepped up a bit, but it seemed a bit vague to me, so I have some questions about the specifics.
1. I have always tried to follow the 'do unto others' mentality. I would prefer that people be civil and discuss things like adults, but sometimes that Olde English Insult Generator is just too easy to refer back to. Mods, what is your preference:
A. Ignore any abuse.
B. Report any abuse (careful here - some may report every post by certain others in an effort to get them banned).
C. Fire back in a reasonably civil manner.
D. Some combination of all of the above.
E. Carefully retype the offending post backwards, highlight where it says "Paul McCartney and Obama are the antiChrists", and notify the Mod Squad.
2. No women, no kids - Laura Bush has never been that big a topic around here, but Michelle Obama might be because she actually speaks.
A. Spouses/kids ok if it is timely or relevant.
B. Spouses/kids not ok, regardless of whether it is timely or relevant..
C. Spouses/kids only ok if they are hot and you can post pictures of them. See samples below (for educational purposes only
Kucinichs wife Elizabeth (Damn I am such a sucker for redheads!)
and Jenna Bush lookalike
3. Future CinC and Vice CinC physical attributes - allowed or not. Examples:
A. Is posting Obamas speeches run through an Ebonics translator considered racist? Example: "I'm going ta redistribute yo' wealth, cuz brothas says I'm uh socialist Ya' dig?" How about Bidens speeches?
B. Can Obamas ears still be boxed? Is Boxing Day when we get to compare Obamas ears to Prince Charles' ears?
C. Will we be considered Folicists if we make fun of Bidens plugs, or Bleachists if we comment on his pearly whites?
4. Buggering wanking sods - CdC has elevated the use of these to an art form, but without the art. It's like that great song that gets released, but that every radio station plays every other minute until you never want to hear the bloody thing for the rest of your life. So....
A. Buggering wanking sods on the table.
B. Buggering wanking sods off the table.
C. Buggering wanking sods in a house.
D. Buggering wanking sods with a mouse (actually I hear you are supposed to use a gerbil - maybe somebody with experience could explain the difference).
E. Buggering wanking sods still on the table, but only if you can use it creatively.
F. Replace buggering wanking sods with another epithet like "MdM" (mange d'la merde). Proper use would be "MdM CdC! (ftf)"
All of this is intended in good humour (or humor for those who don't speak English), and no harm or insult is intended to anyone (except CdC, who I'm sure will call me a huge buggering wanker. Again. And again.