To the snow gods give it your best, I've got you this year. I finally did it after 20 years of hand-me-down POS snowblowers and all the crap that goes with them. The wife said as she does always just go buy a new one, me being cheap couldn't do that so after watching craigslist for months and losing out on a couple I finally got my baby. A two year old Honda two-stage in excellent shape, and for half price with no tax. This is the last snowblower I will ever own.
Now all of you that live in the snow belt know just how over the top these machines are and at half price they are still expensive. So I was glad to see that it had been well taken care of, and the fact that the person I bought it from was a dealer employee (he probably got a sweat deal when he bought it).
Thats all, I just wanted to gloat, bring on that snow,