Well, the silicone and non-expanding insulation went on yesterday without a hitch. Of course my back could use a good massage
I waited 24 hours so that it could seal good. but alas, to no avail
The vibration is just as pronounced as before.
The only thing I can relate to is a baja bug that I put together way back when they (and I) were popular. It was a convertable and I took off the convertable top and it started to have the same side to side vibration/occilation. So, I got my welder out and my pipe bender and fabricated a roll bar that would bolt on like the convertable top. Sure enough it solved the vibration problem. So, I am thinking that maybe there is a need for some stabalizers in the engine compartment.
So, I am looking for any and all suggestion. Before I am through I may just have a MadMax road warrior!