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Everything is a "volunteer thing." If it were trully volunteerism, they would get NO compensation. No, they sign up voluntarily for a job that puts their lives at risk. They should get paid a helluva lot more than they do.
The reality is, they are fresh out of school and like everybody, they start at the bottom and move up the "corporate" ladder like most folks. Only in their case, the risk is much higher. And for that, they should recieve just compensation. Not just "3 hots and a cot". You want the best of the best? Pay them. Thats why contractors show up.
Bill is like a lot of government snobs. Thinks nobody works as hard as the governement bureaucrat. When something goes wrong, its the contractors fault. When it goes well, the the bureaucrat's name all over the white papers cause he funded it. There are good government folks and bad ones too. Same for contractors. Don't paint with such a broad brush Bill... it only makes you look like the snobs I am talking about.
Mike (Dude)
Happy to be back at Club Cobra!