Originally Posted by Curt C.
Those are cool Ed. Are you saying you could not find the bushing to fit the original boxed arms as supplied by CR? They do not make it anymore?
I had no luck finding bushings that would fit the arms that came from Don at CRII. I went as far as taking a digital caliper (see below) and calling about a dozen supply houses/manufactures and could not find a match. I had the same problem with the front uppers and ended up buying new front upper and lower arms from Terry at Great Lake Replicas (overall a much better solution for the front anyway)
DV can chime in and tell you how hard of a time he had finding a bushing for the upper rear axel mount when he found out that the sleeve on one on the axel was cracked. Check this out. I got a 9" ford rear end from Don and it turned out it had (DV correct me if I'm wrong) full size Buick brackets and bushings welded on it.