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KM480 our Cheetah rolling chassis price has been reduced, we are having our website updated and the price has not been changed yet, if you want more information please go to our contact page and send us an e-mail. We get our Continuation Cheetahs titled thru International Title Service, I do know that there has been 1 titled out near you, not sure which state. I can look into that for you. The Cheetah Car is considered a replica, being built as it was in 1965, like the BDR's we build, there are some states we have problems with because of lack of emissions control, air bag, door impact side bars, it must titled as a replica. Here in FL., we have vintage race cars titled and taged driving on the street with lexan windows, no doors or signals.
Our cheetahs have corvette tail lights, headlights, LED turn signals, all are DOT, the door latches are the originals, and can be used because we sit in the capsule of the cage and the latch does not come in to play with safety.