Originally Posted by SuperHart
Well, it's time to change the oil before putting my baby to sleep for the winter and I have thought about the old oil that remains in the oil cooler and lines when the oil is drained from the pan. I have a Pre-Luber by Engine Lubrication Systems installed along with a MoCal oil cooler and thermostatic sandwich adapter. I'm trying to get some ideas about how to drain the oil from the oil cooler during the oil change. I had thought about disconnecting the Pre-Luber oil feed line from the side of the oil pan and pressurizing it with some compressed air to drive out some of the oil remaining in the oil cooler but thought I'd pose the question to see if any of you guys had attempted a similar operation and with what results. In the past I hadn't worried about the old oil since I only put 1500-2000 miles per year on the car but this is something that has been rattling around in my brain for some time.
Any opinions or suggestions?
I always break the lines at the remote filter location and blow the lines thru with compressed air...if you use a hand blower it has variable pressure trigger. I bet you I get at least a quart of dirty oil each time.
I start off with gentle pressure to get the majority of the oil out with no mess, then I give a few short more powerful blast to finish it off.
Hope this helps.