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...the "Sage of Monticello" was an avid supporter of the right to keep and bear arms, he loathed the concept of a strong, central (federal) gummint, he was unbelievably OTL re things naval (check out his brick forts and gunboats) and re things in Fwance....he also had some rather...ahem..."unflattering" things to say about black people. some areas he was very much a modern liberal (anti-military, closet racist* and exploitative [Hemmings] and a lover of violent revolutions*) others he was a conservative (small gummint, low taxes, trust in hoi polloi, guns, etc.). Mixed bag, I'd say.
*check out where liberals send their kids to school when they're serving in DC....or check out the sociological/demographic history of Mattapan, MA in the last 4 decades!!!
**he LOVED the Revolution in Paris....until the heads started flyin', that is.....(ar, ar)