I have worked for both Ford and GM on assembly lines back in the 80's. The pay was 13.24 per hour with a shift different of 22 cents. There was alot better health package with better coverage than what is today. Unions 50 years ago where needed. Today they are the PIMPS of the the rank and fill of the auto industrys. They protect people that should be fired for being drunk, high, smoke drugs or have sex on the job work site. Problem was about color. Much management was white and the line workers where every color. Most people I worked with took pride in the work and job. The 5-10% made it hard for the 90% that cared. If you want to put 10 million people out of the street and close the big 3, fine, Just remember that in 1-2 years none of us will be getting parts for our COBRAS. NO PARTS, NO TOYS!!!
The big 3 have finished off the unions. As each contract reachs term, they close that plant. The Union has no power to tell or bargin with anyone. All new auto plants will be in 3 countrys like Mexico, Taiwan, Korea, even Canada. Free trade has done wonders for this country. The big 3 want to go under and walk away from paying pensions, health care, schooling, and other things that where in the contracts. Others here have said the same thing I am saying, the only thing this country is still good at is WAR!!!! A hate war for what it has done to many families here. The problem is when did WAR get RULES??? You kill the bad guys with every means available, and go where they go until they quit, die, or get killed. Even sports for the US is harder to win at. It took me 24 years of saving money to build my cobra. I did it the hard way. Saving nickle and dimes in a 5 gallon water jug. Some people I know think they are entitled and deserve it. Charge it to credit cards, home loans, or any other means of getting the money to buy one. Some people max out all there credit cards and go bankrupt. This hurts every one of us. These people should have every piece of personal properity seized and sold off. They keep there house, 2 cars for BASIC transportation, have there wages garnish, and given enough to live on. No cell phones, basic TV. 27" Black and whiteTV no 40" plasmas. Clothes allowance. Basic home cooking, not the fast foods and takeouts 3 to 4 nights a week. Last but least, They pay and live on CASH ONLY. There is no choice about this question. Think about 10 million people not being able to buy the basics to live on. You all better get guns and start arming yourselves. You will be protecting your homes. It's about the haves and havenots. Some one once said that" America could never be conquer from an outside enemy, It will be destroyed from within." I hope that this major conflict will hold off for another 25 years. George Carlin should have ran for President.
He knew the problems and had some good answers. Rick L.