Originally Posted by Got the Bug
Night Enforcer,
The Reno operation is now called Dynamic Autowest. I bought mine from Dynamic in Reno when they were part of Dynamic Motorsports of Ohio. I've met the new owner, but don't know any of the people that run the place. Stephen at Full Throttle (formerly Reno Engine & Drivetrain) did my install and is great to work with. He's done a ton of installs and knows what he's doing.
Where are you located?
I got caught in the neverland between the two owners and Ian, the previous owner of Dynamic , didn't give a damn about me or the car. I eventually got a MSO but I actually had to forge the mileage statement and the bills of sale in order to get the car licenced. But that has nothing to do with the current owner, Dennis Peck. A friend of mine bought a SPF from them, a demo, and has had no problems. Stephen did the install on my car and he is very knowlegable and helpful and I have had very few problems....and he has a great dog named Lucy who is a hoot !!!