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Old 11-21-2008, 05:10 AM
mj_duell mj_duell is offline
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I thought I would clear a few things up. I have been very busy lately as I have moved to another state and I just do not have time to keep up with this forum. Turn Ten Racing was ended do to a very bad Canadian to U.S. dollar exchange that made it impossible to continue doing business in the U.S. I was heart breaking to shut down the company, but I was not the first and I am sure in these trying times I will not be the last. The reason I went into business with Don was that his comapny builds absolutely top-notch kits with a high attention to detail. He will also custom make anything for clients even if it means altering the frame it's self. Yes it is true his web-site might need some work, but this does not deminish the product. D&D does not turn out hundreds of cookie cutter kits and they are truely hand built. When comparing kits get past the outer beauty and look at the frame. Don's EVO 5 is a true race krafted frame not just a heavy street frame with add ons to make it handle. Also look at the individual parts, most of D&D's pieces are true racing parts such as the Tilton pedal assembly. My suggestion to anyone interested in a D&D is do what many have done and take a trip to Chambly and see Don and the company first hand. That's my .02 I know longer have a stake in Turn Ten or D&D so my opinion is only that. For the money, with the current exchange the deal Don is offering is truely amazing.

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