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Old 11-22-2008, 06:38 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA #291 *has left the garage*
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hi. just checking in.
Gearing up for a chilly afternoon and evening down in WACO for the quarter finals.....

Go Chargers!!!!! lol lol

Graham turned 16 on Monday, and a cutie girl (not girlfriend, just female friend ) planned a small party for him at a mexican food restaurant last night.
He was quite surprised and that was fun!

I did finally take him to get his license on Wednesday, as he couldn't sneak away from school before then.

He has received the '96 land cruiser from Peter, and Peter moved 'up' to the '95 F250.

As a senior, and going off to college (hopefully!!) he will get a new basic truck in the not too distant future.
My new cute Highlander was selected by #3, who just turned 12. #4, who is 9, will then inherit it from her.....

The girls won't get 12 yo cars, just 4-6 or so.

David is ready to sell his big truck. Probably trade it in on a smaller one for Peter.

Ok.... so it's chilly here. Everybody cold, too??
except Mike of course. Have the fires subsided some??

We bought a new puppy. Or rather David on his 3rd glass of wine at a benefit auction last saturday bought a new puppy. That i am now the 'mother' of.
she is sleeping right here by me....
she is a dachsund!!!! 7 weeks old. Darling of course for now.

Well i'll let ya'll know how our team does at the football game.
go chargers!! oh yeah... i already said that!!!

have a great day!
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