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Old 11-22-2008, 11:56 AM
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The UAW is the major needs to go away!!! Let the "3" make cars and not be a pension fund. The billions of $ should go to health care and retirement for "US"
The big 3 need to change their model lineup and in a hurry....but they cannot do a U turn overnight! It takes time to change the assembly lines.
GM has many models that they sell in other parts of the world that they could and should sell here.. The large SUV's that we all see being driven by 100 pound girls..are a joke and responsible for more than being gas guzzlers. They are responsible for a lot of the potholes and uneven road surfaces that we see in our roads.
The Europeans drive small cars ...which we should... and not only would our National fuel consumption fall but so would our congested traffic conditions get better, because smaller cars would allow more lanes on existing freeways.
The license fees on vehicles should be based on the weight of the vehicles.
I say no bailout for anyone or any business. AIG has obviously not been run well ( just listen to the idiots that are in charge.Jeez ...How the hell did they get those jobs in the first place!!)

My theory is that the whole world is in a (morphing) stage... we are getting up to speed with life and how the Internet has so dramatically changed the way of doing business.Everything that we "traditionally" know has to change to get up to speed....its a natural progression. If we keep hanging on to stuff and ways of doing things that were founded in the 30's we are going to remain in a tailspin.
Also when I called my credit card company the other day I first spoke with an Indian guy....WTF....That is a job that should be an Amercans!!!! and now they all want a bail out!!! What BS!!
We have to start being selfish with our jobs and our money and stop giving in to the Do-gooders and treehuggers and start looking out for no.1! The U.S.A......our home!!!!
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