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I think you have received a lot of good advice here from several knowledgeable folks. Being 6'3" myself, the primary question I had to answer was "Which car can I comfortably fit in without losing the authentic look of an original?" The second question I had to also consider was my budget. The two answers led me to a used Superformance with a stroked SB. Said another way, I bought as much Cobra as I could afford.
Your stated budget of $40-70K is a really wide swath. My own budget was on the lower end of yours. Had it been to the higher end, I would have considered BB cars and other brands (i.e. ERA). But don't fall into the trap of buying/building a car only to be disappointed that the Cobra experience is not what you thought it would be. We all remember "Rob" here, a guy that had a dream and proceeded to spend $100K+ on a really nice Kirkham. He then drove the car and realized how raw it was, then sold it and bought a Corvette instead. Ruined dreams and a wasted effort (it was good entertainment value for those of us that actually wrench on our own cars).
If you're already beyond the "raw ride" aspects of a Cobra and are 100% certain that you want to proceed to ownership, then I'd recommend that you stick to the higher end of your budget and get the most car/best car you can. Boy, in today's market with that kind of budget I'd probably post something like this, "Wanted. RED ERA with BB. Must be clean. Ready to buy the right car right now. Call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx." I guarantee you that word will get around and you will get calls (even from people not with the exact car, but you will get action). Be like an F-22 Raptor pilot on a bombing run...lock-in to your target and don't be swayed by the AAA/flak.
Good luck on the hunt and let us know what you end up with! It's a buyer's market...great timing on your part.
-Dean SPF #747