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Painting pin stripes?
Since this place is full of guys with knowledge on all sorts of topics perhaps someone can help me out. My son is building a Cobra to look just like mine. It is the ultimate compliment but before you envision twin Cobras blasting down the highway I'll let you know my son is 9 yrs old and is building his first pinewood derby car. I'll see if I can't get some side by side pics when he's through. My question is on how to paint the pin stripes. Here is the plan, after the base coat is applied and dry we plan on taping off the pin stripes then use a rattle can to paint on the stripes. How long should I let the paint dry before pulling off the tape? I don't want to pull too early and have the paint run and am worried if I let it dry overnight it will crack and peel the paint off. Any paint guys that can help out there???