Originally Posted by decooney
I'm wondering how quickly the sequence numbers will go this year as compared to previous years; with the downturn in economy and many people holding on to their money a bit more these days. It will be interesting to see if there has been any effect on the number of cars getting built and registered these days as compared to prior years.
Request for Stats?: To whomever reads this and gets an SB100 number this year... Please report back your sequence number and exact clock time you received it that day in line so we can track it and compare.
The amnesty program is kicking off, so that may push a some a number of people into the SB100 pool. The downturn could balance that out though.
The interesting thing, is that there's no rhyme or reason to the numbers. The very first number issued at 8:01 am could be 499.
The good news that your chance of snagging an SB100 cert increases exponentially if you follow the advice of fellow CC members.