Originally Posted by LudicrousSpeed
Hey Duane,
Thanks for the great pics, I just came back from the SoCal Cobra/Corvette monthly meet, lotsa neat people there!
I plan to start going to the Tri-County Cobra meets and closely eye-balling all the cars and peppering the owners with lotsa Q's.
ERA remains my top choice, but Backdraft is really impressing me.
Its good to have choices.
What might help is for your determine what aspects of owning a replica Cobra are most important to you. Some people go for price first, others go for orginality looks, others are just for being able to "build it themself" and/or pure function regardless of looks or cost. Different factors to consider, as it helps one to decide what type car they might really be looking for. The good news is, this is a good time to buy new or used.
As you get integrated to this more, keep tabs on what's what down there, and the happenings going on...and the next time I head south to SD to see family, maybe I can drop in on one of the elvolving SoCal get-togethers down there. The closer you look at all these cars, paying closely attention to all the little bits and details, you will see just how different each of them really are as you peer under the body. After that, your eyes will go through the whole "body shape" ordeal. Enjoy the venture getting to your answer, it can be lots of fun, and especially if you take your time and look very closely.