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Old 12-12-2008, 08:49 PM
john chesnut john chesnut is offline
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I'm sorry to see Kit Car go away. I have been building my cars for about 7 years. During that time they have been very good to me and ran several stories about my Dragons. Thank you very much! Good luck to you Bryan.
However, it seems that our hobby is shrinking. I believe that 7 years ago there were about 100,000 copies of each issue spoken for. I hear that it is down to about 25,000 per issue. If we want our passion and hobby to continue we need to attract new and dare I say, younger enthusiasts. The decline started during great economic times so we can't blame it on the current economy. I wouldnt be suprised if the Carlise Kit Car show goes away too. It appears to me that attendance is down every year.
We need to make Run n Gun THE event for Kit Cars!!!!!
Thank fully we still have one publication that covers our niche of cars. Kit Car Builder magazine is a dedicated publication run by long time specialty car supporters Jim Youngs and Steve Temple. This is not just a business for them but it's a passion. Both of them have been involved with our hobby for a long time. We need to rally around Jim and Steve and support them by buying subscriptions if we want a national voice. Let them know what you would like to see in their mag and lets see if they would be willing to cover Run n Gun. I like the idea of contacting Speed Channel too.
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