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Check with Sr. Management, not the editor!
As I expressed with Brian on a few different occassions over the years they covered WSCB, he and his crew did a great job on the front end articles, then those poor guys had to deal with a TERRIBLE distribution on the back end side of their business. Seems to me they never had a chance no matter how good of a job they did on the articles.
I can't begin to tell you how many people contacted me looking to find a copy of the issues with the Bash in it in 06,07,08, looking at varous books stores and news stands where it would supposedly be. Nope. It would either never show up or they'd put so few copies out what they had would be gone. Over three different years, first hand I must have went to 10 different places in our area looking for copies at the places they were suppose to be at to hardly find any copies or none in many cases.
Then, when I called their backorder business division and ORDERED 90 copies (yes 90) back-issues they charged me and never sent the damn things so I had to dispute it and finally got the charge reversed by my bank. Finally, still needing a few copies after contacting Brian he did me a favor and had to go get some out of his own private stash to send me a few one year. It was clear Brian and crew were doing their job, but things were falling apart somewhere down the line. They can't blame the people that wrote the articles, that's for sure.
The bottom line is you can't sell what you don't make available and accessible for people to buy.
Western States Cobra Group 1998-2016.