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napa has the nice coated stuff now, doesn't cost that much more. 3/16" line. i've made my own single flares with no problem. when you put the fittings together cycle them a few times to get the mating surfaces to match. doesn't take that much torque to hold a line. i use the steel fasteners with rubber liner to hold the line to the chassis, usually find them cheap at airplane surplus parts warehouse, etc. use rivnuts to hold the fasteners to the frame. can find the gun cheapest at lefthander with fasteners and can be used endlessly for other stuff so get extras if you go this route. course you want flex stuff on the ends and get two of all the hard stuff, you'll want to do it perfectly and you'll make a trip back so it might as well be to return unused line. the flare is standard whatever they have at the parts house, not AN stuff.